Monday 20 June 2011

Debbie Reynolds

Debbie Reynolds: In 1970 began the legend of the film, Debbie Reynolds, the costumes, the Hollywood set to collect. She went to the auction and bought MGM everything they could. She held one of the largest collections of personal memories in the film Saturday night world.On, the dress the most famous in history, selling Marlins white dress from the movie "The Seven Year Itch", for 4, $ 6 million. Reynolds said she bought the dress for only $ 200.At the auction there was another bonus 20 percent of the buyer, taxes and fees included on all items. What are these Brough (wanted to remain anonymous) Monroe dress, $ 5 more than the head million.Reynolds personal friend, spoke with our station Sunday and said, "Look how much time and dedication went in this event was very inspiring and once in a lifetime opportunity. And I have tremendous respect for women continues Reynolds.Wasn 't the Academy of Arts and Sciences film, thinking about creating a museum of Hollywood, the Academy sent to any bidder Debbie Reynolds costume period and accessories collection, ranging over the past week, crowds at the Paley Media Center to its Saturday.With auction an hour before the auction was scheduled to begin has been verified, the Theatre of the Paley Center in Beverly Hills already complete and the gallery was filled bottom. Debbie Reynolds and has looked perky in a white pants suit, got the crowd applauded as she stepped to the podium to say a few words before last. The real shocker early afternoon was Judy Garland cotton blue "color test" from the Wizard of Oz when the bidding hit $ 600 000 Joe Maddalena was screeching into the phone, as has placed at the other end of knowledge anyone progress. Dorothy dress finally went to a private buyer in the room with Soon rumors of a foreign accent, that the representatives of Saudi oil money.Around 500 pieces of Hollywood history are given Saturday, the actress Debbie Reynolds auctioned off some of their vast collection of Hollywood memorabilia.Reynolds, 79, began collecting the items, if financially troubled studios began to auction in the 1970s. She was able items from the silent era are preserved, and used his Hollywood connections to buy too many of them before they are made available public.Felt a little sad today if you sold the iconic costume. I am still confused that there is no trailer for the film industry in the preservation of this collection of four decades worth of Debbie Reynolds collected interest. I stayed awake until 03.00 clock only for the live auction before, curious to see the sale of dress Hepburn My Fair Lady! People fill the theater more like observers and fans as being able to find large sums of money, but a truth of auctions is that all you need is two people who want the same thing, prices rise too high in the sky.

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